44ft Motor Lifeboats
Below is a list of links to other websites advertising 44's for sale. If you know of any 44's not listed here, or you find that any of these boats are sold or there is a dead link, please e-mail me.

I would be grateful if anyone who is lucky enough to end up buying one of these 44's, that they would let me know the details, so that I can keep this website up to date.

If you are an owner, you can send me some recent photos that I can put together with the link.
These links are purely set up to help interested buyers come in contact with the people selling 44's.

None of these boats come with my recommendation and I have no commercial interest in them whatsoever. I am just putting up the links I or others have found, to save you a little time surfing the Internet ;-)

Therefore it is entirely up to you to check out the boat and the seller and you are entirely responsible for any eventual purchase.

RNLI 44-003


Location: Burnie-Devonport Region, Greens Beach, Tasmania

RNLI 44-011


Location: Victoria, Australia
Copyright 1999-2023 by Clive Lawford (e-mail). All Rights Reserved.
You are very welcome to link to this site, though any form of duplication requires written consent from me unless otherwise stated.